About the Journal

Onomázein welcomes unpublished articles derived from scientific research in the different disciplines of theoretical and applied linguistics; in classical, Indo-European, Romance and Hispanic philology; in translation theory and terminology, as well as outstanding studies on indigenous languages

Onomázein is aimed primarily at specialized readers in the aforementioned thematic areas and aspires to be an effective vehicle for scientific exchange between researchers in the sciences of language. The quality of the articles published in it is guaranteed by an anonymous arbitration process, carried out by specialists from the international scientific community.

The texts published in Onomázein are governed by a Creative Commons license, which essentially states that everyone is free to copy, distribute and publicly communicate any of them, provided that the source is properly cited and that no no alteration or transformation of the original.

Onomázein continually receives texts of articles, notes and reviews for evaluation and publication.

Onomázein was founded in 1996. Until 2003 it appeared as a yearbook. As of 2004, it increased its periodicity to two issues per year and since 2017 its ordinary issues are published quarterly, to which are added two thematic issues per year. Since 2013, Onomázein has been published exclusively electronically.

Onomázein is financed by the Facultad de Letras of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and receives support from Bibliotecas UC.


Important notice to our community:
We have identified a fraudulent website (www.onomazein.com) improperly impersonating Onomázein. Our journal, dedicated to free access to knowledge, does not require any form of payment for article publication. We urge you to always ensure you are on our official site: https://onomazein.letras.uc.cl to safeguard the integrity of your contributions and communications.

Current Issue

No. 64 (2024): June
Published: 2024-09-11


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