We show how the electoral map for the Chamber of Deputies in Chile was designed to over-represent the electoral support for conservative parties alter the 1988 plebiscite. Alter discussing the way the electoral map was designed, we identify a positive correlation between the vote against Pinochet and the size of the electoral districts. In addition, we underline how the changes in population pattems that took place between 1988 and 2002 have worsened the initial distortions in the size of the different districts. Then, we analyze the effect of the distortion in the size of the electoral districts on the 1999 presidential and 2001 parliamentary elections. We show that, unlike 1988, there is no longer a positive correlation between the size of the districts and the electoral strength of the Concertación. We argue that there persists an. unequal representation in the electoral map since there are drastic variations in the population of the 60
electoral districts.