Arbitration and evaluation of articles

♦ The evaluation process undergone by the journal Aisthesis consists of the anonymous submission of texts for publication. A first stage contemplates an evaluation process undertaken by the journal’s internal committee, formed by academics from the Institute of Aesthetics of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. This committee will determine if the article fulfills basic guidelines, both formal and scientific, in order to be published in the journal, and will suggest possible outside peer reviewers within the field (two evaluators are considered for each article).

♦ Peer reviewers are assigned on the grounds of their expertise on the subject, and every evaluation process is blind and anonymous (regarding both the authors and the reviewers). The evaluation is carried out through our OJS platform where reviewers must complete a form to present their final decision.

♦ If one of the reviewers DOES NOT recommend the publication of an article or review but the second reviewer does, the collaboration of a third reviewer will be requested to determine the final decision. The evaluation form will be sent to the authors with the purpose of making the necessary modifications on the text, in the case of it being approved with modifications.

♦ If the reviewers recommend the article must be sent to a third evaluator, the evaluation form will be sent to the authors with the purpose of making the necessary changes on the text or review before sending it to be evaluated by a third reviewer – usually one of the individuals who recommended it to be resent for review. Once subjected to that third evaluation, it will be determined, following the decision of the third reviewer, if the article has been accepted or not for publication in Aisthesis.

♦ If an article is rejected, the reasons will be indicated to the author and the comments on the text will be forwarded.

♦ Finally, the authors must send the final version of the text to be published in the journal Aisthesis. Along with receiving the article in its final form, the journal can grant – upon request of the interested person – a Letter of Acceptance certifying its future publication in one of the issue of the journal.

♦ Articles that do not comply with editorial guidelines will be rejected on the pre-evaluation stage by the editorial committee; this situation will be informed to the authors.

♦ The timeframe for the evaluation of articles, interviews, and reviews will be between twelve and fifteen months.

♦ Upon the submission of an article, interview, or review, authors will grant publication, reproduction, and distribution rights, both in terms of the text and the images included in them, to the journal Aisthesis based at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. To do so, all images reproduced must have the corresponding licencing and references, this being an exclusive responsibility of the authors.

♦ The journal invites its prospective authors to use inclusive language in their work.

♦ The journal will not return any original copies to their authors.

♦ Opinions presented in articles, interviews, or reviews are exclusive responsibility of the authors and do not represent the position of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

♦ Aisthesis is published twice a year, in the months of June and October.