Socioeconomic Indicators Related to the Health Conditions of the Population in Chile Health Conditions of the Population in Chile


  • Reinaldo Rioseco Hormazabaal Instituto de Geografía, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Indicadores Socioeconómicos, Condiciones de Salud, Población en Chile, Geografía humana


This article is part of an Atlas which its theme is the social and economical aspects of the population of OIile. In relation lO this topic, the health conditions have great importance. By means of specific indicators it has been established differences and similitudes between regions of the country, limited by the disponibility of the data.


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CENEP, Buenos Aires, 1984.
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TAUCHER, E.: Mortalidad infantil en Chile. CELADE. Santiago, 1979



How to Cite

Rioseco Hormazabaal, R. (1987). Socioeconomic Indicators Related to the Health Conditions of the Population in Chile Health Conditions of the Population in Chile. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (14), 67–73. Retrieved from


