The Problem of Soil Erosion in the Coastal Cordillera of the Eighth Coastal Mountain Range of the Eighth Region


  • Wilfried Endlicher Universidad de Concepción y Universidad de Freiburg im Breigau /Alemania


Geografía física, erosión del suelo, cordillera de la costa, Octava Región de Chile


It analyzes the causes of landscape degradation, its relationship with different land uses and its effects on the environment and on the agricultural population. It approaches landscape degradation as a geoecological problem, i.e., it considers the interrelationships of pedological, climatic, botanical factors and processes, as well as anthropic intervention. The conclusions derive from a comprehensive survey, carried out by means of photo-interpretation, statistical analysis, photo and field measurements, including the construction of experimental plots.


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How to Cite

Endlicher, W. (1988). The Problem of Soil Erosion in the Coastal Cordillera of the Eighth Coastal Mountain Range of the Eighth Region. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (15), 11–27. Retrieved from


