The Laguna of desert and its geographic projection in the boundary problems with Argentina
Lagoon, desert, geographic boundaries, Chile, ArgentinaAbstract
The boundary problem between Chile and Argentina in the area of Laguna del Desierto not only presents legal aspects, but also of the geographical environment. In this sense, the exact knowledge of the local geography is a help to give a fair solution to this controversy.
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8ORGEL, R., 1991 (en prensa): "Desprendimientos y vaciado de lagunas pro glaciales en el borde oriental del Campo de Hielos Norte, XI Región". Boletín IGM NO88-89,5 pp.
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How to Cite
BÖRGUEL, R. (1991). The Laguna of desert and its geographic projection in the boundary problems with Argentina. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (18), 19–26. Retrieved from