Urbanization, Urban Growth, and Population Dynamics of Chile's main cities between 1952 and 1992.
Demographics, Chile, Urban growth, PopulationAbstract
This article examines the demographic evolution of Chilean urbanization, highlighting the fact that in the context of the of its dynamics, characterized by a high urban percentage, the growth of the urban population has come to play an important role. urban population growth. Some particularities stand out among the administrative regions with respect to these characteristics. Attention is also given to the demographic evolution of the main cities, which are defined according to a higher size of more than 100,000 inhabitants in 1992, with some special remarks concerning the city of Santiago. The period of analysis covers the second half of this century and the sources of information are the following national population censuses. Some persistent patterns are highlighted, as well as those that appear to be modifying in terms of urban trends.
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