New trends in international migration policies international migration policies


  • MONICA GANGAS GEISSE Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Migrants, displacement, migration policy, migratory movements


It is clear that human beings have always been wanderers. The aim of the article is to show new dimensions of the current movements of human beings on the planet. Such population movements in space undoubtedly come up against institutional obstacles, such as the migration policies adopted by international states that become international with respect to the movement of people. The movement of people becomes international with respect to the movement of people. For this reason, the contribution focuses on showing the new orientations of the migration policies of the receiving States in recent decades, especially since the 1990s; pointing out the processes associated with migratory movements; presenting the characteristics of current migratory movements; exposing the push and pull factors, insofar as this allows for a logical explanation of why the population moves, and finally presenting the types of migrants that arise from the interplay of these push-pull factors.


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How to Cite

GANGAS GEISSE, M. (2021). New trends in international migration policies international migration policies. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (24), 227–234. Retrieved from




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