Morfología climática y morfogénesis del Volcán Llullaillaco (Chile/Argentina)


  • HILMAR SCHRÖDER Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
  • DIETER SCHMIDT Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Geomorfología, Clima, Morfogénesis, Volcanes


With the help of climatic measurements at the altitude of the Volcano Llullaillaco and the age determination of the sediments and the volcanic rocks it was possible to clarify essential features of the climatic geomorphology and the development of the relief of the highest and the most exposed to radiation of the periglacial of the earth at Mt. Llullaillaco (6,739 m.). It became evident that under the climatic conditions of the Atacama an age of 41,000 years is not sufficient to initiate even the slightest sign of a development of a rectilinear slope within the Llullaillaco I volcanic rocks. The mesorelief forms which clearly

dominate the relief are wide bottom hollows at the northwestern slope. The sediments of the valleys, the periglacial forms and

the mud flows have a maximum age of 5,600 years. A variation in humidity between 2,500 and 1,600 years B.P. can be clearly

proven. After that one can observe –apart from the ongoing genesis of the periglacial– a denudation of the slopes, which leads

to an accumulation of the sediments in the valleys.


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How to Cite

SCHRÖDER, H. ., & SCHMIDT, D. . (2021). Morfología climática y morfogénesis del Volcán Llullaillaco (Chile/Argentina). Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (27), 69–92. Retrieved from


