Geomorphological indicators of paleodune fragility.


  • CONSUELO CASTRO AVARIA Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • MAURICIO CALDERÓN SÁNCHEZ Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • ÁLVARO ZÚÑIGA DONOSO Corporación Nacional Forestal


Coastal geomorphology, geomorphological indicators, ancients dune, erosion


The combined effect of the fragility of old coastal dunes due to its natural conditions and the human activities on dunes, produce their  estabilization and the beginning of geomorphological processes that lead them to a rapid transformation and landscape degradation. The occurrence and the mechanism of these morphodynamic processes are precised in this paper. In essence, they are geomorphological indicators of the fragility of paleodunes of the littoral of central Chile. These indicators of fragility are rills and gullies (due to vertical erosion due to the rain) and mass movement that affect the stability slopes of the old fixed dunes. The determination of the fragility of these naturals environments, done through the geomorphological indicators, is of great utility in the definition of environmental units of territorial diagnosis for land evaluation  urposes and for the physical planning of the coastal zone.


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How to Cite

CASTRO AVARIA, C., CALDERÓN SÁNCHEZ, M., & ZÚÑIGA DONOSO, ÁLVARO. (2001). Geomorphological indicators of paleodune fragility. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (28), 11–24. Retrieved from


