Metodologías y métodos de investigación en la educación geográfica latinoamericana (2015-2021).


  • Alejandro Cascante Campos Escuela de Geografía, Universidad de Costa Rica


Methodological designs, Research, Scientific article, Geographic education, Latin America


Recent international studies on geography education research have placed emphasis on the analysis of methodological designs, searching for opportunities of gathering evidence that would influence geographic preparation processes. Based on this, the current research involves an analysis of methodological designs employed by researchers in geography education within Latin America, based on publications issued in the region’s journals from 2015-2021. The study involved 1269 geography education articles published in journals from six Latin American countries, where just 50.8% correspond to empirical studies, with a heavy predominance of qualitative designs, and a scarcity of quantitative and mixed methods designs. In addition, the study shown a statistically significant growth of theory-based articles during the pandemic years (2020-2021), compared to previous years where studies were more empirically-based. The findings inform about research methods strengths, but also on the existing improvement opportunities for generating scientific evidence that would improve geography education in Latin America.


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How to Cite

Cascante Campos, A. (2024). Metodologías y métodos de investigación en la educación geográfica latinoamericana (2015-2021). Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (87). Retrieved from


