About the Journal

Revista de Historia Iberoamericana, founded in 2008, dedicated to promoting Ibero-American Culture and broadening the horizon of national historiographies.

It stopped publishing in 2018 due to a decision taken by the higher authorities of Universia Holding, S.L.

An agreement between Universia Holding, S.L., and the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, has allowed the contents of the Revista Historia Iberoamericana, HIb, published between 2008 and 2017, to be available on this site.

During this period, 10 volumes and a total of 19 numbers were published, the contents of which allowed it to progress in its indexing process, which included CREDI, DOAJ, LATINDEX, ULRICH'S PERIODICALS DIRECTORY, DIALNET, ISOC and CIBERA, leaving its publication unfinished. Application to other relevant indices.


The magazine was born with the mission of contributing to reflection on the Ibero-American cultural space, broadening the horizon of national historiographies, generating a greater degree of integration among Ibero-American historians and contributing to the debates of our societies.


Historia Iberoamericana is published every six months and each issue contains high-quality original historical research articles, guaranteed by anonymous peer review.

Published in Spanish, Portuguese and English, it does not have thematic, methodological or chronological restrictions, nor regarding the monographic or general nature of its articles and issues.

Its hallmark is in a perspective and an approach that situates the object of study in its contemporary relevance. Historia Iberoamericana is aimed at all historians specialized in Ibero-American history and also seeks to integrate the new generations with doctorates or in the process of obtaining a doctorate at universities in the region.

Current Issue

Vol. 10 No. 2 (2017)
					View Vol. 10 No. 2 (2017)
Published: 2017-12-31
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Historia Iberoamericana nace con la misión de contribuir a la reflexión sobre el espacio cultural iberoamericano, ampliar el horizonte de las historiografías nacionales, generar un mayor grado de integración entre los historiadores iberoamericanos y aportar a los debates de nuestras sociedades. Cada uno de sus números contiene artículos de investigación histórica original de alta calidad, garantizada por la evaluación anónima de los pares. Historia Iberoamericana, publicada en español, portugués e inglés, no tiene restricciones temáticas, metodológicas ni cronológicas, tampoco respecto del carácter monográfico o general de sus artículos y números. Su sello distintivo está en una perspectiva y un enfoque que sitúa el objeto de estudio en su relevancia cont