Periphrases and Negative Inductors: A Domain-Based Analysis


  • Antonio Fábregas University of Tromsø-Norges Arktiske Universitet Noruega
  • Raquel González Rodríguez Universidad Complutense de Madrid



negation, periphrasis, interposed material, dynamicity, domains


In this article we deal with periphrastic structures that contain a negative trigger inside, following the scheme <auxiliary + no + auxiliated>; specifically, we discuss the conditions under which a periphrasis allows this adverb to be interposed between the two verbs. We argue, through a detailed analysis of gerund and infinitive periphrases, that negation interposition triggers a negative event reading. The periphrases that allow the interposition are those
whose conditions of use are compatible with the semantic properties of negative events. Specifically, as negative events are non dynamic, negation interposition is only allowed in the periphrases that can combine with non dynamic auxiliated predicates.

Author Biographies

Antonio Fábregas, University of Tromsø-Norges Arktiske Universitet Noruega

Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education

Raquel González Rodríguez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Departamento de Lengua Española y Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada,
Facultad de Filología



How to Cite

Fábregas, A., & González Rodríguez, R. (2019). Periphrases and Negative Inductors: A Domain-Based Analysis. Onomázein, (43), 95–113.




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