Andando de zoca en colodra: Phraseological Units with Verbs of Movement in the Works of Cervantes


  • Ana Serradilla Castaño Universidad Autónoma de Madrid



phraseological units, verbal phrases, verbs of movement, Cervantes


The aim of this paper is the analysis of the locutions used by Cervantes, which include verbs of movement such as andar, caer, ir, venir or volver (volver las riendas, caer de su burra, andar de zoca en colodra, venir a las manos…). The reason for choosing these verbs is that, very frequently, they may give rise to metaphorical and metonymic processes. After defining the concept of locution and setting the corpus of locutions, we undertake their formal analysis (related to structure, level of fixation, potential variation, formal evolution…), their semantic study (meaning, semantic changes, metaphorical and metonymic processes) and we also analyze their contexts of occurrence and the registers in which they are used.

Author Biography

Ana Serradilla Castaño, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Departamento de Filología Española, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras



How to Cite

Serradilla Castaño, A. (2019). Andando de zoca en colodra: Phraseological Units with Verbs of Movement in the Works of Cervantes. Onomázein, (43), 181–199.




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